"Der Ewige Jude" [The Eternal Jew]

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"Der Ewige Jude" [The Eternal Jew]


Advertising poster for the anti-Semitic film, "Der Ewige Jude" [The Eternal Jew], directed by Fritz Hippler. There are many similarities visually between the stereotype of the Jew and the witch. Green skin, hooked nose, kinky hair, hunched back. And the history confirms the direct link. Witches follow the moon, and Jews use a lunar calendar, unlike the Christians in Europe who began creating the myth of the witch in the middle ages. They also referred to a group of witches as a "witches synagogue", or a witch ritual as a "witches sabbath". Not to mention the blood libel, the hats, and the actual murders of Jews under false allogations; an actual witch hunt.






“"Der Ewige Jude" [The Eternal Jew],” The Antisemitic Roots of Modern Monsters, accessed May 6, 2024, https://antisemitisminvisualculture.omeka.net/items/show/8.